10 Today
10 Today
Did you know just 10 minutes of physical activity a day can benefit your physical and mental health?
Tune in at 10:10am to CHBN every weekday and take part in 10 minutes of activity to keep stretching and moving. It’s great fun to do and it will be good for you too.
Are you listening to 10 Today?
If you do the exercises regularly we’d really like to know more about your experience. Help 10 Today make more broadcasts and get more people active. Please email 10today@chbnradio.org or call 01872 218 418 to let us have your feedback.
What is 10 Today?
10 Today is series of easy, accessible and enjoyable 10-minute sessions, which can be done almost anywhere and at any time, in a group or alone, standing up or sitting down, and which can be adapted to different fitness levels.
Supported by National Lottery funding through a £233,766 grant from Sport England’s Active Ageing fund, a diverse range of organisations have come together to develop and launch the project.
CHBN is one of only two radio stations in the UK who participated in this pilot project.
10 Today has been designed by Terry Keen, an Anchor Hanover resident and fitness instructor who is 72 years old and Revitalyz. 10 Today has been designed by older people, for older people – and is led by them, too.
What inspired the 10 Today project?
The creation of 10 Today was inspired by Radio Taiso in Japan. Radio Taiso – translated as ‘radio calisthenics’ – is a national exercise routine, broadcast on the radio every morning. Radio Taiso started in 1927 and is currently estimated to reach around 27 million Japanese people.
10 Today seeks to explore how we can replicate a similar model here in the UK. We’re harnessing the power of technology for social impact, seeking to engage inactive older people in physical activity in an innovative and sustainable way. 10 Today is broadcast via the radio and online, and each radio broadcast has a corresponding YouTube video.
How can I take part?
Tune in to CHBN every weekday at 10:10am to follow along with the session on the radio. If you are unable to tune in at that time, the sessions are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week using the links above.
Im part of a group. Can we participate?
10 Today encourages people to take part in a group setting, perhaps part of an organised meeting or activity (for instance a coffee morning) as this delivers additional benefits by strengthening and creating communities.
How could 10 Today help?
Sport England research shows 34% of people aged 55 and over are inactive, compared to 25% of the population.
By taking part in 10 Today three times a week, older people can meet the 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a week target recommended by the Chief Medical Officer in the UK physical activity guidelines. By meeting this target, health outcomes for older people can be drastically improved, thereby reducing the impact of inactivity on the NHS. Physical activity among older people can reduce falls, depression and dementia by 30%.
What is the cost of inactivity?
In May 2019 Anchor Hanover (in association with Demos) launched a report on the impact of inactivity which showed that physical inactivity of older people would cost the NHS £103m that year – and could cost more than £1.3bn by 2030 if left unaddressed.
The report also highlighted the human cost of inactivity in later life, illustrating how inactivity not only contributes to poorer physical health, but also cognitive decline, reduced emotional wellbeing and loneliness.
76% of older people surveyed by Anchor Hanover wish they were more physically active.
Who is supporting 10 Today?
The 10 Today project is supported by National Lottery funding through a £233,766 grant from Sport England’s Active Ageing fund, a diverse range of organisations have come together to improve the lives of older people:
- Demos - a cross-party think tank working to bring Britain back together in an age of fast and accelerating change;
- Two local community radio stations - CHBN Radio and Bradford BCB Radio;
- Anchor Hanover - England’s largest not for profit provider of housing and care for older people;
- Revitalyz - a training provider who helps volunteers and careers understand and deliver seated physical activities.
We’re proud to be funded and supported by the National Lottery funding from Sport England.
How do I find out more about 10 Today?
Email 10today@chbnradio.org